Monday, September 02, 2024

Today's News: Paralympics pride; remarkable connections; funniest book Forward ever; and Animal crackers

I haven't been following the Paralympics as much as I should have, but here's some great news:
Here is a wonderful statement about the meaning of the Olympics and Paralympics: Moving on, here are some remarkable connections: 

first, I was today years old before I heard about this amazing tribute: Here is the BBC story on both tributes - Native American tribe unveil sculpture to honour Irish connection 

Next, some bikers helping out:
Post by @cctvidiotss
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Next, the funniest Forward ever written:
Post by @barryglassner
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(The book, by the way, is Disaster Inc by Caimh McDonnell 

Finally, a few funny Animal Crackers:
Post by @hitoshitomii1
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She was a rescue:
Post by @paulnoth
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1 comment:

lungta said...

Para/parallel probably the place for those gender handicaps .... good find.