Friday, August 30, 2024

Today's News: Christ, What An Asshole!

Back in 2006, blogger Charles Lavoie did a post to assert that all New Yorker cartoons would still be just as funny with the caption "Christ, what an asshole" and everyone was surprised about how well that works. It works with most cartoons and it became a meme.

Two stories today in the "Christ, What An Asshole" news, and its not surprising they concern Pierre Poilievre and Donald Trump.
Post by @eleniwrites7
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I hope Singh is smart enough to realize that if he is ever elected PM, Poilievre will try to get rid of Pharmacare and Dental Care and Day Care -- it doesn't matter how many Canadians like them or need them, they are "Trudeau programs" and therefore Poilievre hates them. 
So the longer Singh waits to pull NDP support from the federal Liberals, and risk Poilievre getting elected as PM, then the longer these programs will have to consolidate and become integrated into Canadian consciousness.

Moving on to Trump's latest stumble, Arlington-Gate is entering Day 3 with no end in sight.
Josh Marshall describes Trump’s Arlington Cemetery Campaign Event:
... Three days ago, the Trump campaign held a campaign event at Arlington National Cemetery. The idea was to lay a wreath honoring the 13 members of the U.S. military who were killed during the evacuation of Kabul in 2021 and film a political ad. They would distribute the video and attack Vice President Harris and President Biden for not “showing up” for their campaign event, which they sought to portray was an established memorial. ...a brief NPR article, published a day later, which reported that cemetery staff had sought to prevent the campaign from violating the law by holding a political event on the cemetery grounds. The details were limited but it seemed a verbal altercation became violent and two Trump campaign staffers physically assaulted a cemetery employee. The impression I got from the article was that they likely shoved the woman to the ground. But the details were cryptic.
What wasn’t cryptic was the Trump campaign’s wildly over-the-top response. Campaign spokesman Stephen Cheung denied a physical altercation had taken place... He then proceeded to make a series of bizarre claims suggesting the attacked employee was actually some random person undergoing some sort of psychotic break. ... Later the campaign’s hyper-aggressive co-chair Chris LaCivita gave an even wilder comment to the Times, calling the assaulted cemetery employee “a despicable individual” and “a disgrace” who “does not deserve to represent the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery.”
At a speech Wednesday, vice presidential candidate JD Vance doubled down on the campaign’s defense, seeming to imply that campaign staffers were right to assault the cemetery employee. He said VP Harris could “go to hell” because of the backlash Trump is facing....
By Wednesday night a host of other details emerged.
The cemetery employee, a woman, filed a report about the incident. But she later declined to press charges, fearing — according to military officials who spoke to The New York Times — that Trump supporters would try to retaliate against her. ...
Late this evening, the Daily Caller reported that Speaker Mike Johnson actually got involved to force cemetery officials to allow Trump to hold his campaign event on the grounds.
... Arlington cemetery officials could see this was a trainwreck-in-the-making from the start. And the Speaker of the House was brought in to overrule cemetery officials simply trying to enforce the prohibition against holding partisan political events on the cemetery grounds, especially in the area of recent burials...

1 comment:

lungta said...

So in Canada there is a large group that like the drivel that drips from lil pps' liver lips. They can relate to "sellout sing" just like "freedum" and "ax da tax" If it can be on a bumper sticker it rules. Try and talk to them , the better your proof the more they retain their original belief. The US election with all the drama and with one player being a convicted felon and a con man and a sexual abuser is still 49.99 to 50.01 razor thin.
Canadas only chance is to unite the left. Somebody had to say it . they won't do it cause each one is craving the power and not too concerned about anything but themselves.
Like my buddy says your only choice is the color of your clowns nose. The ringmaster never shows his face.