Sunday, August 11, 2024

Today's news: Wanna know who is "online savvy"? That would be Trudeau, not Poilievre

So Canadian media have finally noticed Poilieve's "Bot-Gate" scandal and they just can't believe the CPC would actually do something so glaringly stupid, because Poilievre is just so "online savvy".
Oh, give me a break. 
Mr. Verb-The-Noun isn't down with the youngs at all.  Two weeks of Canadian Olympic success - the whole country is proud and excited - Canada even won a Gold Medal in Breakdancing, for heaven's sake! - and Poilievre hasn't tweeted a word of congratulations to anyone.
And could Poilievre and the Cons really be this petty? Yes, I do believe they could!
Anway, getting back to the point of this post, wanna know who actually IS "online savvy"? This simple, effective, funny tweet has 52,000 "likes", 7,000 re-tweets, and 1,500 comments:


Cap said...

PP's running the Trump playbook by hammering away at real or imagined faults in the opponent. They're what Spiro Agnew called "nattering nabobs of negativity." To be successful, this approach needs time for voters to absorb the stream of calumny, which is why it worked with HRC and Biden. The Dems showed how to short-circuit it by running with fresh candidates at the last minute.

If the Libs want to do the same, they need to replace Trudeau shortly before they call an election. Replacing Trudeau with would be fatal though, because the Cons have been smearing her almost as much as JT. She's very damaged goods by now.

I loved watching Canada win the men's 4×100 relay with runners who didn't even make the individual finals. Watching the great USA team botch every baton change, finish way back and get DQed was icing on the cake!

Cap said...

^^Replacing Trudeau with Friedland would be fatal...

Cathie from Canada said...

Yes, I love Trudeau but I'm afraid you are right, Cap