Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Today's News: Thinking positive thoughts about Trudeau

Last week, Ekos published the poll above - here is the discussion:
Conservative Party Sees Seven-Point Decline: The Harris Effect? Party still leads by 14 points, would likely win majority if election were held tomorrow
The Conservative Party has enjoyed a profound advantage in federal vote intention since Pierre Poilievre assumed leadership. Over the past year, this advantage has been in the high teens and reached 24 points in June. The stability and magnitude of this lead pointed to a pretty certain path to a commanding majority government. While the Conservative lead continues to be sizable, the past few weeks have seen the largest decline since Mr. Poilievre’s ascendance as leader. While the Conservative lead is still comfortable, the massive advantage of 24 points in June is now a more modest 14 points. The key movement has been a decline in Conservative support rather than a clear rise in another party....
... after a protracted period of holding a stranglehold on a majority outcome, the Conservative Party’s prospects appear less certain. The Conservatives are still in a majority position, but it is a far less commanding advantage than we saw only a month ago. ...
So things are a bit better for Trudeau, but it is still an enormous gap to try to overcome. 
The Liberals just wrapped up their caucus meeting in Halifax:

Some positive thoughts about Trudeau:
Post by @cultmtl
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1 comment:

lungta said...

lil pp is that blind date that your mother arranged who hates the restaurant .disses the management , thinks the chef is overpaid and has the waitress in tears as he orders in valley speak clips.
Suggest getting out of the place before the orders of bread and water arrive and he sticks you with the bill. Do it before he wants to "Bring it home " as he rants . You don't want to find out what that means .