Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Trudeau knocks it out of the park

Trudeau was on Stephen Colbert tonight and the Conservatives are furious -- how dare he demonstrate his popularity, his interview chops, and his international standing so easily, when he is supposed to be crawling into the Parliamentary press gallery and whining about the confidence vote and grovelling about how awful the Liberal situation is...
Here's the clip that Colbert has released already: Here's the whole interview bootleg copy: I wonder if Trudeau happened to wear his Star Wars socks? 
Meanwhile, our Canadian media were trying desperately to find something negative to say about Trudeau's popularity: You mean, this predecessor? Remember this bit of ridiculousness? Even Ben Mulroney is getting into the act: Here's what the Conservatives were really afraid of - that their guy Poilievre is so irrelevant and unknown on the world stage that Trudeau couldn't be bothered to talk about him at all. The more negative the Conservatives get, the more ridiculous they look: And John Wing has a good one:


e.a.f. said...

Watch the show and Trudeau was good. He was funny, casual, informative, loved his comment regarding a public health care system. Represented Canada well.
Can hardly wait to read what the anti Trudeau club will have to write.
First watched Rachel Maddox and then Corbert. Certainly is a huge difference between the two styles between Trudeau and Trump, but I suspect that was the idea. Trudeau is the e.g. of an informed competent leader who believes in services to the public. Most likely Corbert is no more interested in having PP as P.M. of Canada than most of us.
Don't know who made the arrangements but yes, "Trudeau knocked it out of the park."

Anonymous said...

Going on an American TV show after 8 years of basically doing everything oil interests want in order to delay action on climate change isn't really knocking it out of the park. He grovels to car makers because they missed the boat on EV's and put a tariff on cars that could reduce emissions. What planet does that help? Not this one. If you want a gas tax, you have to provide alternatives to using gas, not make them unaffordable. Where is a national forest fire strategy? He has proven himself a lightweight by relying on a comedian to show off his "personality". It's time for some serious nation-building, not calling in favours from celebrities.