Monday, July 04, 2022

Today's News: Weekend updates
Conservative leadership update:
Maybe Poilievre has hired a new PR firm not staffed by 12-year-olds. 
He released a video today that conservatives actually liked.  As for me, it worried me -- it doubles down on the Conservative "freedom" meme which actually means "be as prejudiced as you want, we won't stop you". 
Some see through it: Some do not: Basically, its all just more Poilievre BS: Meanwhile, Trudeau-bashing continues apace, especially from Jean Charest's campaign manager who has a book to shill and gets a National Post column to do it:

Sunday, July 03, 2022

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

A few days ago, Margaret Atwood put out a tweet (now it has 140,000 "likes") about how America turned itself into The Handmaid's Tail world because people couldn't get over high gas prices.
 And in response I posted one of the "But Her Emails" memes, this one based on McCarthy's post-apocalyptic nightmare The Road, because it struck me how similar these two concepts were, that people will vote against the important things if they get distracted by trivial issues. And now my little tweet has about 800 "likes" which amazes me, and it also got a few comments of its own. 
But here's what surprised me: a number of the comments obviously did not understand the "but her emails" meme at all.
I had assumed everybody would remember the "but her emails" line came from 2016, when Republicans egged on the American media to make a big stupid hairy deal about Hillary Clinton using a personal email server for some of her Secretary of State emails. Because of this nonsensical "scandal", a few thousand voters decided her judgement was too risky so they just had to vote for Trump instead -- such a corrupt and incompetent man that America suddenly risked nuclear or climate destruction. Thus the "But Her Emails" meme was born.

But I realize now that some people have already forgotten all about this, so the "But her emails" line doesn't mean anything to them. 
Americans have a tendency to deify their presidents anyway, but when I hear people talking about how "Americans elected Trump" I want to remind them that only a few thousand votes swung the Electoral College and Hillary actually won overall by 3 million votes. (Of course, this works in reverse, too -- Biden also won overall by millions, but he needed a few thousand votes in key swing states that gave him the Electoral College win.) 
This is why I think Democrats are absolutely right to worry about America forgetting about the terrible January 6 Insurrection and how Trump was responsible for it -- this convenient amnesia happening already, or at least it was happening until the J6 Committee started holding their hearings in prime time and telling the Jan 6 story in such a clear and compelling way.
Because those who forget history are doomed to repeat it - and people need to remember what a terrible president Trump is, how the people around him are terrible also, but how easy it is to let trivialities affect the vote.
I am hoping that support for Trump is starting to crack: But he knows it:

Saturday, July 02, 2022

Canada Day Part Deux

Here, I think, is the last and best word on the Convoy, from Scrimshaw tonight:  Scrimshaw writes:
...Convoy 2.0 was neither small enough to be safely ignored nor big enough to constitute a true populist movement, and this is where the Conservative Party, and the broader conservative movement, is stuck.
... the broader conservative movement is hanging together by a thread right now, and the Convoy is but the latest example of it. 
This is not a populist uprising designed to take power back from a tyrannical leader, it’s a fascist attempt to depose a Prime Minister they don’t like that has been normalized – by the press, by Bergen, by Poilievre, and by the press once again – as a movement for “freedom” and over vague shit. It’s a disgrace that it’s being reported this way, but let’s be clear about what this movement really is. It’s antithetical to actual, small c conservatism, because it is about a violation of our most sacred freedom – the freedom to be represented by the government of our choice.
And, of course, The Beaverton: Meanwhile, this is what its all about: Speaking of Canada Day:

Friday, July 01, 2022

Canada Day, eh?

Finally ... yeah, come to think of it....

Today's News: Catching up

Sorry for missing posting yesterday - my computer was in the shop for a tune-up. 
So let's catch up with the news: Ottawa update: As I watch these videos, every now and then someone yells "freedom" and it just echoes into the abyss:

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Today's News: From Ketchup to Reverse-OPEC

The Cassidy Hutchinson testimony at the J6 Committee hearing today showed that Trump's White House was terrified they would all find themselves breaking the law, particularly if Trump had actually joined the mob breaking into the Capitol as he intended to do. 
Former U.S. solicitor general Neal Katyal told the Washington Post “The picture painted today is one of Trump assisting with an insurrection” 
Josh Marshall writes about the impact the J6 Committee hearings are having: 
 ...the hearings become not just an account of what was found but a tool for advancing the investigation. They are already very focused on getting Pat Cipollone to testify. 
We have all gotten used to how much the GOP and official Washington can absorb and normalize about Trump’s conduct and criminal behavior. But in this testimony today I think the committee may have gotten there. 
’m not sure Meadows, Cipollone and others are going to be able to continue refusing to testify. The committee has also increased pressure on the DOJ, though we don’t know just what DOJ already had in the works... 
This tweet raises an interesting question - what actually happened in the White House AFTER the Jan 6 insurrection was unsuccessful. Here's an argument that for the next two weeks, while Trump was being impeached again, it was the US military that was really running the country:

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Today's News: Updates

Update from Ukraine: 
Some interesting news today: I was reminded of a BBC report I heard early in the war, in March, interviewing a Canadian soldier 
who had been involved in training Ukraine troops since 2015, and she talked about them with such respect for how brave and accomplished they were. 
In this story today, David Pugliese at PostMedia News reports: 
...a few dozen commandos from NATO countries, including Britain, France, Canada and Lithuania, had been working inside Ukraine. The United States withdrew its own 150 military instructors before the war began in February. 
But the New York Times, citing three U.S. officials, reported that special forces from the NATO countries either remained or had gone in and out of Ukraine since then, training and advising Ukrainian troops and providing an on-the-ground conduit for weapons and other aid. 
U.S. special forces have also established a coalition planning cell in Germany to co-ordinate military assistance to Ukrainian commandos and other Ukrainian troops, the New York Times reported. The cell, which has grown to 20 nations, is modelled after a similar structure the U.S. and its NATO allies used in Afghanistan. U.S. Army Secretary Christine E. Wormuth has confirmed the cell provides intelligence and co-ordination for the flow of NATO weapons into Ukraine, allowing such convoys to avoid Russian attacks. 
In other news from Ukraine, Russia is again trying to frighten people by deliberately bombing 
civilians. This is a war crime:
Elsewhere, Russia is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory -- while Russia is advancing slowly 
in the Donbas, its progress is minor and Russia is incurring huge costs on their military: Several weeks ago, Markos at Daily Kos described the Russian way of "fighting" wars now: blowing enemy towns to smithereens, then advancing their tanks across the rubble, and calling it a victory. 
But they have conquered nothing except a pile of blasted rocks. 

Monday, June 27, 2022

Today's News: Pro-Choice Underground

Harvard Law professor Noah Feldman writes: 
It is no exaggeration to say that the Dobbs decision, written by Justice Samuel Alito and joined by four other conservatives, is an act of institutional suicide for the Supreme Court. 
The legitimacy of the modern court depends on its capacity to protect the vulnerable by limiting how the majority can infringe on basic rights to liberty and equality. 
The Dobbs majority not only takes the court out of that business. It holds that the court should never have expanded the protection of liberty and equality in the first place.
 ...State legislatures can and will now pass laws that violate or eliminate those rights. The lower courts will have to adjudicate them. Ultimately the Supreme Court will have to weigh in again. 
The reason all this will happen is that the court didn’t just overturn Roe. By overturning Casey, it called into question the core idea that the justices follow precedent. Casey stood for the idea that the court would uphold its past decisions absent a major, transformative reason to do so. Under Casey, lower courts would leave precedent in place. 
That norm is now gone. It’s open season on fundamental rights. 
 ...the modern Constitution will never be the same. Neither will the Supreme Court. 
Dobbs will go down as one of the worst decisions in the court’s history. Dobbs reverses rights on which the whole country has relied for half a century. The court has never done that before. The consequences will be disastrous — and far-reaching. 
And it is getting very weird, very fast. 
America now has a new cottage industry, a kind of pro-choice underground sub-culture now developing quickly, with the goal of alerting women whether states have abortion access, and helping women in need to travel to the states that do, or to Canada. 
Here is advice on how to secretly find and book abortions using library computers so as to not leave any digital breadcrumbs for police agents to find. And here's how to wipe a phone:

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Palate cleansers

What an awful couple of days, and its not going to get any better next week. 
SCOTUS still has more cases to announce (including another gun case). 
And Canadians are wondering why Pierre Poilievre hasn't said anything yet about abortion, but is talking about kicking MPs out of caucus for the crime of Insufficient Loyalty to Dear Leader
And the FreeDumb Convoy now says Ottawa police told them they can park their trucks wherever they want to. 
Yeah, just great news from all over. 
So here are some palate cleansers, just for tonight - we'll get back to politics soon enough. 

 First, this great photo from NASA - it is described as "perhaps the most-terrifying space photograph to date" and it shows Space Shuttle astronaut Bruce McCandless floating untethered, using his Manned Maneuvering Unit to keep him alive, the first person in history to do this. 

Here's some funny stuff:

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Today's News: The War on Women

David Horsey Seattle Times

The loss of abortion rights in the United States is the news of the day -- the US Supreme Court has overturned Roe V Wade, redefining women's rights and allowing states to stop women from getting abortions.  
After deciding 40 years ago to make abortion into a divisive partisan issue, Republicans have finally caught the car. 
Republican state legislatures and governors spent years pandering to their pro-life voters by passing rigid, cruel but meaningless laws criminalizing abortion -- they thought draconian laws didn't really matter because Roe V Wade would never be overturned anyway so they would never have to try to enforce them. 
Meanwhile, the American Pro-Life Taliban were entranced by their hazy water-coloured memories of how marvelous America used to be, back in the good ol' days before Roe V Wade -- back when men were men and women were women and "decent" women were ashamed to get pregnant "out of wedlock" and the bad girls give birth secretly in maternity homes thus ensuring a "domestic supply of infants" for adoption while the girls crept home in shame. 
Yeah, good times....
So here we are -- today, all of a sudden, Roe V Wade is overturned. 
And all those awful laws criminalizing abortion are now in effect.  So criminalizing abortion has created a "War on Women" just as criminalizing marijuana created a "war on drugs" 70 years ago. 
But society has changed -- women aren't ashamed of having sex any more, or of getting pregnant, and for 50 years abortion has been just another medical procedure that sometimes women needed. Society no longer views pregnancy as something embarrassing. 
But by criminalizing abortion, these stupid awful laws have criminalized everyone associated with abortion - the teenagers and the young couples and the entropic pregnancies and the families, the doctors and nurses and pharmacists and social workers, even the taxi drivers. They're all supposed to be going to jail now.
That'll show 'em who's boss! 
Folks, its just not going to work. 
The New Yorker has a major article today on this:
Jia Tolentino writes: 
...   The future that we now inhabit will not resemble the past before Roe, when women sought out illegal abortions and not infrequently found death. The principal danger now lies elsewhere, and arguably reaches further. 
We have entered an era not of unsafe abortion but of widespread state surveillance and criminalization—of pregnant women, certainly, but also of doctors and pharmacists and clinic staffers and volunteers and friends and family members, of anyone who comes into meaningful contact with a pregnancy that does not end in a healthy birth. 
Those who argue that this decision won’t actually change things much—an instinct you’ll find on both sides of the political divide—are blind to the ways in which state-level anti-abortion crusades have already turned pregnancy into punishment, and the ways in which the situation is poised to become much worse.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Today's News: Pushing back

FreeDumb Convoy:
First, here's some actual news from the real world - Covid vaccines saved 20 million lives: Next, we are finally seeing some push-back to that awful meeting held yesterday that Conservative MPs held on Parliament Hill: In this Star column, Arthur writes: 
These are neither serious nor reasonable people. And while they are free to express themselves, they should not be welcomed within what should be accepted standards of shared politics, or reality.
Andrew Coyne says: From the NDP: Here's an interesting development -- it appears Ottawa citizens are again preparing to defend their city: Never forget the Battle of Billings Bridge! Finally, check out the replies to this tweet: #FreeDumbConvoy gets the most votes but here are some more suggestions from the comments: 

 Finally, this one:

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Today's News: FreeDumb all the way!

Its hard to even think about how crazy the FreeDumb Convoy is getting, much less write about it.
Justin Ling has a major article today in Vice that describes a leaked intelligence report about the anti-vax nutjobs who intend to try to overthrow the Canadian government, or at least take over Ottawa this summer. 
Ling's article is about a report from the Integrated Terrorism Assessment Centre which describes "ideologically motivated violent extremism (IMVE)" and details some of their nutty beliefs - that Covid never actually existed, that "the elites" have been releasing “biological weapons”, that the culprits are “not just the government of Canada…which is controlled by a much higher element, be it the World Economic Forum, or if you want to go right up to the Pope".  Self-proclaimed Convoy leaders plan to deputise themselves and others as “constitutional sheriffs” to arrest “Justin Trudeau and all the premiers and all the health ministers.” 
These are the guys that Conservative politicians keep telling Trudeau to meet with. 
Yeah, sure.  Great plan, that...
And Conservative politicians actually did meet today with several of the Convoy yahoos. So these are the people that Conservative MPs invited into our Canadian Parliament and met with, just as though they were normal?
And checking Canadian media reaction, you would have had the impression these were ordinary concerned citizens, too -- CTV called them "freedom movement" figures while CBC dutifully reported the Conservative talking point describing them as "Freedom Convoy organizers" who are "just average citizens that have concerns"
No editorials, no scolding columns, no blasts of outrage against the Conservatives for greeting these guys. 
At this rate, we're going to need that Emergencies Act again this summer:

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Today's News: Investigations all over
There are three important investigations going on right now -- the Mass Casualty Commission (AKA the Portapique massacre) in Nova Scotia, the Jan 6 Committee hearings in Washington, and the Uvalde massacre investigations in Texas. 
They all had significant events happening today. 

Mass Casualty Commission (Portapique massacre): 
The Nova Scotia RCMP have testified repeatedly at these hearings and though I haven't reviewed all the testimony I can't remember reading of a single time when they accepted responsibility for significant mistakes, errors in judgement, miscalculations, or clumsy ineptitude -- nope, all the things that went wrong in April 2020 when a crazy nut spent hours driving around killing people and burning houses and 22 people died has all just been blamed on fog of war, acts of god, not knowing what was happening, it was dark, or somebody else's fault. 
So today, it was the RCMP Commissioner's turn to be blamed, for the awful communications after the event. Lucki apparently ordered the RCMP commanders on site to release the number of people killed and they futzed around and didn't do it so she did and then they were all insulted and so she went to Nova Scotia to reprimand command staff and she made people cry. 
Oh, the horror! 
Here is the report (PDF) where this chain of events is detailed - Public Communications between RCMP and Governments following the Mass Casualty.
This is what Evan Scrimshaw wrote tonight about the whole debacle: 
Here's where we have to read the tea leaves – what was said in the meeting between Lucki and Campbell is unknown, except that Campbell said that he made the decision to disobey her direct order on operation grounds, and that Lucki was so harsh some people cried. On the latter part, boo hoo. Who fucking cares if your boss was mean to you after a monumental fuckup. Cry more. On the former part, also fuck off, because I didn’t think that police officers got to disobey direct orders because they feel like it. Under no reasonable org chart does the fucking Commissioner not trump whatever the fuck his job title was, and he disobeyed a direct order. Yeah, you get yelled at for that.
Other commenters are not impressed with the sudden burst of political tut-tutting after politics reared its ugly head. Oh, and by the way...

Jan 6 Committee:
Powerful testimony at the hearings today, from people whose lives have been ruined because they stood up for the US constitution and did the jobs they were sworn to do. 
This statement from Rusty Bowers was particularly moving:

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

National Indigenous Peoples Day

June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day - here are some tweets that I liked about this important day.

Here is Trudeau;s speech: "such strength, such resilience" Here is a link to the Indigenous Ally Toolkit So many things we could all learn better: Here's some progress too:

Today's News: Updates

A batch of updates tonight - here we go

This observation from Peggy Atwood: Ukraine Russia War
Interesting summary from military analyst Mike Martin comparing the fighting in the Donbass with the Ukraine advances around Kherson, a much more significant battle. 
Here are some parts of this thread:
Also a great article in The Atlantic comparing Ukraine and Chechnya:
Update of the update - I just saw these tweets about Lithuania's partial blockade: