NBC has obtained the Mar-a-Lago search warrant. It shows Donald Trump is under investigation for potential obstruction of justice and violations of the Espionage Act
— Chris Jansing (@ChrisJansing) August 12, 2022
MSNBC confirms that the “Espionage Act” being used in the warrant means that there was evidence that Trump had transferred information to a third party (foreign gov’t or organization).
— Harvey Bobrow (@Hbobrow1Hbobrow) August 12, 2022
This is a whole new level of treachery.
CNN analyst says the intel Trump stole are so sensitive that FBI agents will begin FINGER PRINTING each document to find out who actually touched them.
— Brian McBride (@BrianDMcBride) August 12, 2022
I think everyone is sleeping on the fact that before they got the warrants the DOJ was given surveillance footage of the rooms in which the documents were stored.
— Fred Wellman (@FPWellman) August 12, 2022
They got video of who looked at them THEN went in.
Chew on what that implies for a second. It tastes like treason.
So Republicans are running on unlimited price-gouging of insulin, ending Social Security and Medicare, and forcing ten year old rape victims to give birth. That is some platform. Please pay no attention to the former president who committed espionage #TRE45ON
— Miz Anthrope (@jenaglez) August 12, 2022
What in the world would Trump be doing with top secret classified information about nuclear weapons? There is absolutely no reason why an ex-president should take that out of the White House, except one. That kind of info would be worth A LOT OF MONEY!
— Cenk Uygur (@cenkuygur) August 12, 2022
Once again I expect there will be a determined effort on the part of GOP leadership to throw Trump overboard, but Fox News and MAGA will not permit it. The only possibility for change now is absolute electoral defeat of Republicans in 2022, 2024, 2026 and 2028 -- with gerrymandering and corruption all the way up to the SCOTUS, I don't know if it is still possible:A major FUCK YOU to every trumper who told me if I didn't like "X" I should leave the country, you're defending a traitor who sold nuclear secrets to our enemies -- YOU leave the country.
— BrooklynDad_Defiant!☮️ (@mmpadellan) August 12, 2022
Central question in US politics now is how much damage will Trump, massive conspiracy to overthrow an election, extremist abortion restrictions do to the GOP brand and how long will that damage last.
— Simon Rosenberg (@SimonWDC) August 12, 2022
My take - a lot of damage, and it will last for many many years. https://t.co/Z6XjUQI4Ma
They have now figured out the new line -- that Trump had "declassified" all the documents before he took them out of the White House so, by definition, he's good!It’s going to be tough to ButHillary or ButHunter their way out of this one but they’re going to give a shot
— Acyn (@Acyn) August 12, 2022
I mean, the “it was just an accident, didn’t mean to keep them, and also declassified them” is deeply humiliating, but Trump has just the people to carry that water. https://t.co/0lcmSZmF1S
— 18Hat793 (@Popehat) August 12, 2022
Yeah, sure.michael scott declaring bankruptcy https://t.co/Sg8lEJrp7l
— Amy (@lolennui) August 13, 2022