Saturday, July 30, 2022

Today's News: From All Over

Reconciliation visit: 
The final stop for Pope Francis in Canada was a visit to Iqaluit. The Globe and Mail reports
On Friday, [Pope Francis] met with several school survivors In Iqaluit before an outdoor performance that included traditional throat singing and drum dancing. 
His speech before hundreds began with another apology for the “evil perpetuated” on Indigenous people by church members. Speaking in his native Spanish, Francis’s speech was translated into English and Inuktitut. 
He told them he was sorry in Inuktitut, a meaningful gesture to many in the audience. “I thank you for having had the courage to tell your stories and to share your great suffering that I could not imagine,” he said in Spanish. 
“This only renewed in me the indignation and shame that I have felt for months.” 
The pontiff’s tour has fostered healing for some school survivors and anger in others. 
 ...Early on Friday, before his flight to Iqaluit, Pope Francis held a private meeting with an Indigenous delegation at the residence of Quebec Archbishop, Cardinal Gérald Lacroix. After the meeting, Ghislain Picard, Assembly of First Nations regional chief for Quebec/Labrador, said it will be up to each person to decide if the Pope’s trip met their expectations. “It’s really up to them to take the measure of all this, whether it’s going to provide that kind of way for their healing,” 
Mr. Picard said after the meeting. “It’s going to take time.” 
For some reason that nobody has yet explained, Saskatchewan has asked the feds for the authority to determine which immigrants will be allowed to settle here, and also they want the feds to give us all the money. It ain't gonna happen, of course, but maybe the Sask Party thinks they can gin up another grievance against the Trudeau Liberals?

Ukraine Russia War: I have wondered what is happening behind the Russian lines - here's some insight: Some horrifying video from behind the lines is emerging of Russian war crimes against Ukrainians - vicious, depraved. Biden said in February that Putin was the world's true enemy and should be removed from power; the importance of doing that is more evident by the day: United States:
Millions including Jon Stewart are absolutely furious at Republicans for playing games with the health care of injured veterans. As the Republican senators where high-fiving and fist bumping in the well of the Senate, the American people were appalled -- these politicos can mutter all they like about how some dollar figures in the bill weren't crystal clear or something, but everybody knows that is just BS because its almost exactly the same bill as passed comfortably in mid-June except for some technical corrections. 
Apparently another vote has been quickly scheduled for Monday and I wouldn't be surprised to see the new vote will be 99-1 (Rand Paul opposed of course). 
Veterans are gathering this weekend at the Capital, vowing to stay until the vote. So that'll be something to watch. 
And the really stupid thing is this: Republicans shot themselves in the foot because Biden would likely have been glad to make this issue bi-partisan - joint signing ceremony, etc. - if the Republicans had let him. Markos may well be right about this: I guess SCOTUS Justice Alito wasn't familiar with the phrase: better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. In other news: 
Here's something I had not realized was happening across Canada: Here's a good one: And wasn't the Ivana Trump funeral a little strange?


Anonymous said...

Of course Ivana's funeral was strange. Even in death, the Trump crime family used her corpse to work a tax scam.


Cathie from Canada said...

They are a very odd group of people, aren't they.