But for all Twitter's faults, it doesn't flatter people. Adoring tech-bros and greedy investors can get all fluttery when Musk invents subways and buses but Twitter reveals a person's essential personality very quickly - as demonstrated by Bret Stephens and Mark Hamill and Dolly Parton and J. K. Rowling and many more.A lot of the recent profiles of Musk read like the authors expect him to buy their paper/magazine and are auditioning to keep their jobs.
— Daily Trix (@DailyTrix) April 29, 2022
For the last couple of days, Twitter's main character has been Elon Musk.Each day on twitter there is one main character. The goal is to never be it
— maple cocaine (@maplecocaine) January 3, 2019
Here's some recent Musk antics:Might as well try to explain Norway to a duck.
— Driftglass, Guardian of Inconvenient History (@Mr_Electrico) April 29, 2022
elon musk spending $43 billion to stop getting bullied on twitter when he could’ve simply been less annoying is insane
— first-mate prance (@bocxtop) April 25, 2022
Normal: trying to overturn an election, rioting in the Capitol, banning books, opposing vaccines, siccing bounty hunters on women who get abortions, cheering Putin, getting rid of gun permits.
— Helen Kennedy 🌻 (@HelenKennedy) April 29, 2022
Extremist: suggesting billionaires maybe should pay more in taxes.
When billionaires like Elon Musk justify their motives by using “freedom,” beware. What they actually seek is freedom from accountability.
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) April 24, 2022
I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 25, 2022
Now that Elon Musk has shared his deep thoughts on asymmetric polarization polarization, I'd like to pass along my equally sophisticated design for a new Tesla. pic.twitter.com/PpRs4jgeeg
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) April 28, 2022
Next I’m buying Coca-Cola to put the cocaine back in
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 28, 2022
Coca-Cola fires back at Musk 🔥 pic.twitter.com/E09sTpH06o
— Back Rub - PLZ follow! (@FaithRubPol) April 29, 2022
It still not clear whether Musk is actually going ahead with the Twitter purchase deal or not. But as Josh Marshall notes: "My own sense is that the guy will likely rue the day he purchased Twitter."Elon fucked around. He found out.
— Jeff Holcomb (@atjeffholcomb) April 28, 2022
This tweet got a lot of reaction:"Strolling Blunder" is going to face a rough welcome in Ottawa this weekend https://t.co/UnZ9iDGNwp
— Shawn 🇨🇦🇺🇦🌻🌊 (@bethke) April 28, 2022
And here's a funny one:Freedom isn’t a group of white supremacists parading hate through the streets of Ottawa.
— Nili Kaplan-Myrth MD PhD (@nilikm) April 28, 2022
Some of the tweets I read from the bikers and their supporters insist they are just a misunderstood respectful group of veterans who are trying to "take back" the National War Memorial - from whom I'm not sure because the Memorial already belongs to all Canadians and the only ones who disrespected it recently were the FluTruxKlan.Ottawa police chief reminds officers not to join protests this time #cdnpoli
— The Beaverton (@TheBeaverton) April 28, 2022
The only people disrespecting the National War Memorial is these douches every time they want to have a village idiot hootenanny.....and play pretend they care about veterans.
— Univrsle (@univrsle) April 28, 2022
Talk about cowardice...they really want to have an aggrieved white guy march but USE veterans for cover https://t.co/sgvFd2Ln7J
And it looks like Skippy is suffering from the leopards eating people's faces problem:🤣…. Ok then! 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚 pic.twitter.com/OXMhmtVcvk
— Ema (@EmaSeren) April 27, 2022
BREAKING: At literally the exact same intersection occupied by protesters for three weeks - where PP called on the government to respect the “freedoms” of those occupiers - he has a protester forcibly removed.
— Mark Gerretsen 🇨🇦 🇺🇦 (@MarkGerretsen) April 28, 2022
You cannot make this stuff up!#cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/VtUAMNfqtd
So is Ukraine winning this thing or not?“The cost of this fight is not cheap, but caving to aggression is going to be more costly if we allow it to happen. We either back Ukrainian people as they defend their country, or we stand by as the Russians continue their atrocities and aggression in Ukraine.” @POTUS pic.twitter.com/cUjJ4YOCi8
— John Spencer (@SpencerGuard) April 28, 2022
The tactic Russia is using in Ukraine is the same tactic Russia deployed in Chechnya, Georgia, and Syria:
— Mark Sumner🌻 (@Devilstower) April 29, 2022
1) Fire artillery until everything ahead of your forces is dust.
2) Advance across the dust.
That's how Russia is making gains at multiple points. … 2/7
There is an axiom that moving forward against an enemy in defensive position requires a 3 to 1 force advantage, all other things being equal. With the limited training and lack of unit cohesiveness in Russian forces, they need something closer to a 7 to 1 advantage. … 4/7
— Mark Sumner🌻 (@Devilstower) April 29, 2022
Other analysis here:Ukraine can’t allow that advance to continue forever. On the other hand, Russian forces can’t survive this rate of attrition forever. Right now, Ukraine is doing the smart thing to fall slowly back, surrendering inches in exchange for mounting casualties. 7/7
— Mark Sumner🌻 (@Devilstower) April 29, 2022
More widely, there has been a major strategic shift in the war.
— Dr Mike Martin ⛵️ (@ThreshedThought) April 29, 2022
This is a clear statement of intent by the UK, and would only have been made if it was felt that other NATO allies could and would sign up to it.
— Dr Mike Martin ⛵️ (@ThreshedThought) April 29, 2022
It’s very welcome after some wishy washy thinking about strategic aims (although the activities were good).
Also means that NATO and the US have decided that Putin is bluffing about using Nukes if NATO up the ante.
— Dr Mike Martin ⛵️ (@ThreshedThought) April 29, 2022
Stepping back to look at the larger picture, here is Tom Nichol's latest grim thread about events in Ukraine. He isn't as sanguine as Dr. Martin about the nuclear risk:Strategic outlook:
— Dr Mike Martin ⛵️ (@ThreshedThought) April 29, 2022
Give it four weeks; we’ll see Donbas go in the other direction, then Crimea will start to come into play.
This could happen because of how badly the Russian military and Putin have screwed everything up. But if the only alternative is "surrender Ukraine and then all of Europe," then the world will have to fight it. It will be Russia's choice. There is no policy that will stop it. /2
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) April 27, 2022
The choice to escalate now rests in Moscow. It would be one more ridiculous gamble added to a pile of idiotic strategic miscalculations, but all we can do is help Ukraine defend itself and make clear that there is no day that ends better for Russia than the day before. /4
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) April 27, 2022
I'm already seeing a lot of responses piling on here about "Glory to Ukraine" and "Putin has to go" and the usual stuff. You can just stop that right now; the only thing that matters is ending this war before it finally burns out of control. Diplomats are doing their best. /6
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) April 27, 2022
I don't what the probabilities are of a major escalation. I doubt the Russians know either. This entire crisis is the result of a bunch of gangsters just winging it when a deluded dictator thought he could grab an entire country on the cheap. This is all improv now. /8
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) April 27, 2022
Josh Marshall also writes a very interesting but frightening article about Nichols' concerns:But before you go shooting your mouths off about "taking out Putin" or "it's inevitable, just fight them," you might want to let that go. The next decision rests not with us, but with Moscow. We need to be determined and calm and ready. That's all we can do. /9x
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) April 27, 2022
There are all sorts of logical reasons ... why Russia won’t resort to some wild escalatory path. But as we know, people and countries do crazy things, especially under intense pressure. And the Russian government apparatus is under the most extreme sort of pressure. Russia embarked on this war to upend and rewrite a global and regional security order which it believed denied Russia its rightful place as a global great power. It sought to do that by the means which have increasingly characterized its policies for the last decade — making up for limited economic and military capacity with daring and risk-taking. The invasion revealed a Russian military dramatically less capable than even its skeptics seemed to have imagined and compounded the toxic stew of grievance and national humiliation which drove the effort in the first place. The world is on the line for what emerges from Russia’s chronically degenerate political culture, which is again a very sobering conclusion.
Trump never laughed at himself. Or at anything. Because he has no sense of humor at all.The right wing just went berserk over this tweet, saying it proved he was riddled with dementia, you would’ve thought I’d said he was afraid of being killed by flying fruit or something. https://t.co/zlL1BNBsYp
— Elizabeth West (@Limeylizzie) April 28, 2022
So Trump said in a deposition he is afraid of people throwing tomatoes and other “very dangerous” fruit at him at his campaign rallies, adding, “you can be killed if that happens.” @TonyMichaelsPod is sounding off live. 🍅 https://t.co/l73vmFh5dG
— MeidasTouch.com (@MeidasTouch) April 28, 2022
Monty Python: Self Defense Against Fresh Fruit https://t.co/HElOZupkCA via @YouTube
— ANNE LAMOTT (@ANNELAMOTT) April 28, 2022
Just thinking back to the good old days when Trump wasn’t afraid of fruit-throwers but soup-throwers: “And then they have cans of soup. And They throw the cans of soup. That’s better than a brick because you can’t throw a brick, it’s too heavy.”
— Hugo Lowell (@hugolowell) April 28, 2022
According to trump & republicans… this is ANTIFA. #ImAfraidOfFruit pic.twitter.com/wPtjmChzVg
— M-A.Stay’Legit ™️🇨🇦🇩🇪 (@BagdMilkSoWhat) April 28, 2022
Thank you for your blog. Lately, I read it almost every day.
I have been reading your blog every day for a while (and missed it when you were off for a few weeks). You help me sustain my pride of being a Canadian amidst all the fascist forces at play to take that away from me. Thank you. Marc B.
Hey thanks!
I do try to post something every day - - otherwise, like Lily Tomlin, I just can't keep up! - but its also a lot of fun to troll around Twitter and Kos and other places every day to find out what's happening.
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