Sunday, April 03, 2022

Today's News: slaughter of the innocents

This NYT photo shows some of the Ukrainian Odin Unit, including foreign volunteers, in Irpin on Tuesday.(Credit Daniel Berehulak)
There are many more photos online today of the Kyiv suburbs and nearby small towns where Russians have left. But these scenes of tragedy make these photos too painful to post -- so many innocent Ukrainians just executed for no reason, their bodies left where they dropped, in front of their houses. And other photos of numerous bodies along the roads - often people who had tried to escape by car and just shot for no reason.
Just so sad, such pointless death and destruction. It will go down in history as another slaughter of the innocents. These are war crimes. The media are sickened by what they are seeing, as are we all. And tonight I'm also seeing another resurgence of demands that the West needs to do more to help -- though unfortunately, the arguments against this are still just as strong as they were a month ago: \ We'll likely be seeing more of this type of suggestion -- well-meaning, yes, but.... More news: Markos has a significant article posted tonight describing Phase Two of the war -- the Donbas region in the south, where the Ukrainian and Russian armies will likely be fighting next -- the article is too lengthy to excerpt, so just read it for yourself on Daily Kos

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